Sunday 17 March 2013

#Bepbb (Be Positive Before Bed) Explained!

Seems as #positivitybeforebed has started to take off, I shall explain the why and the how!

On 5th March 2013 I randomly decided it would be nice to get people to tell me something positive from their days.

This is something I have done since quite a young age. From when I was suffering with depression, I read it in a self help book. I was also suffering insomnia, going over everything that was making me miserable in my head, over and over and over, all night. I found that by trying to think of positives, no matter how small (Bus coming on time for example) led me to start looking for more positives from my day. As I was happier at bedtime, I was therefore able to start sleeping! Problems that were solved so simply! (For me, I appreciate this may not work for everyone!)

This became my way of life. All my life I have seen the good in people, and even to this day I get astounded that people don't live their lives the same. I still get hurt.

My Mum bought me this fridge magnet, about 8 years ago. When I used to come crying to her about the bullies or the fact that someone had been horrible, she always used to tell me that if the world was made up of people like me it would be such a lovely happy place.

So I started #pbb just to see if people would be interested in joining in.....and they have done!

I have done this every night on Twitter since. Usually about 9pm I'll Tweet '#pbb's anyone' and then sit back and enjoy the replies!

Here are a few examples of what I've been getting (I'm keeping Twitter ID's out because I don't feel it's my place to go flaunting everyones business around!)

"I am so poorly but really lucky as hubs and mum have been ace looking after me and the kids. Very lucky to have them "
" a complete stranger told me in a shop today that my boys have beautiful names :) "
"my 5 year old asked to give his sweets money to after seeing some of the VT's I am very proud "
"mememememe! me! It snowed, it settled and the boys had an awesome time playing in the snow BOOM! "
"JR had a lot of fun at his dance class this morning "
"I got a set of days of the week socks from h & m for £2 "
I've had a lot of feedback from people telling me what a lovely thing it is and how much they enjoy following it every night.
"It def helps to end the day thinking of something positive. Will be following keenly from now on. Love the concept."
"oh dude, I didn't see this, the idea is FAB"
I've had one lady tell me that she's suffering from PND and it's changed the way that she's started to look at her days.
I've had a lady tell me some exciting news that her family doesn't even know yet, she was so keen to tell someone and so keen to join in!
When I look at those last two statements I think it's mad that something I started as a bit of fun is actually helping people!
One of my lovely Twitter friends and regular #pbb 'er made me this :) It made my day!
So come join in tonight #pbb about 9pm. I enjoy helping people feeling happy

****** #pbb has changed to #bepbb as pbb also stands for Pinoy Big Brother and something to do with the conflicts in Egypt! Didn't want them harshing our happiness, so please come join us on our new hashtag!


  1. This is such a sweet idea, I'm going to attempt to join in, though I don't really 'get' twitter yet!x

  2. Brilliant, thank you. Just follow me @rainbowbryte and you'll see it come up when I do it. I only got into twitter properly this year. Be warned, it's very addictive!! Xx

  3. YAY! I'm on the list! This is such a great idea, love all the happy tweets at the end of the day, it does make you think about your day to sort out the shit from the good!

  4. i'm really crap at commenting on blogs and have only just found this, but it really does help and i love thinking throughout the day is this my #pbb. And yeah one of my tweets made the list!

  5. I shall look out for this every night now! A brilliant idea, only sorry I hadn't found it sooner x

  6. oh this is such a lovely idea! I've not seen this on twitter but will keep my eye out for it!

  7. Ah so THAT is what that hashtag is - it all makes sense now! I'm all for sharing positive thoughts, makes everyone smile doesn't it? Just goes to show how a little change you make can really affect your life for the better x

    1. Oh yes, many wonder at the hashtag, but few have the courage to ask! Come join in, the more the merrier! x

  8. Excellent, keep up the good work :)

  9. Ah, I wondered what it meant and couldn't figure what people were on about.I suffer from depression and insomnia so I know how it feels at the end of the day not to have any positives to look back on.

  10. This is such a wonderful idea. I'm going to look out for this on Twitter from now on, and I think it will shine a new light on my day. Thanks so much.

  11. What a lovely idea - and you have a hashtag too so we can keep track of it...hopefully it'll cheer me up when things are going a little bit awry, which for me, is most days!

  12. I can be quite negative at times, but positivity is just a much happier feeling isn't it? Love the idea! :)

  13. What a great idea. I think the negativity that surrounds us makes it seem normal to behave in a similar way - like people dropping litter, 'If they do it, why shouldn't I?' but it's important to strive for balance. The greater the negativity the greater the need for an antidote. I keep a Gratitude Jar into which I pop scraps of paper detailing good things that have happened. It's great to read through them during the January Blues! Makes you realise how fortunate you've been and gives you hope for the coming year.

  14. I am like two years late to the party, but this is an amazing, amazing idea and so positive ☺️☺️☺️☺️ Xx

  15. Well good for you. I think there's often a perception among parents that we should keep quiet about our children's - or our own - achievements, yet my experience is that virtually everyone you 'know' on Twitter is genuinely pleased for you. So I think this is a great idea - it's like doing random acts of kindness for complete strangers. Will do my best to try and remember to do it. Have a lovely weekend x
